Posts Tagged ‘complex carbs’

Green Tea Fat Burner

October 1, 2009

If you want to lose weight, feel better, and just be more healthier than I would highly recommend adding green tea fat burner to your diet.

Green tea fat burner has been in addition to alleged around slowing down the processing regarding complex carbs consumed in the body to simple sugars. Because of that, the transition of those nutrients to body fat would be delayed.

The very same green tea that originated via China approximately four thousand years ago has currently become labelled with being an efficient fat burner aid as well as a potent antioxidant which may help combat cancer and also additional diseases.

Amphibious Landing Craft & Tea Kettle by f/1.4

Determining the link between sipping green tea and losing weight must have taken 1000s of years, however thankfully, the secret is finally revealed.

Green tea is commonly thought to be a health drink which can prevent many common diseases and illnesses. In fact, many people in Asian countries (particularly Japan and China,) claim that drinking green tea has helped their people stay healthy and even live longer for thousands of years. So what makes green tea a healthy alternative to diet sodas and energy drinks and what benefits does green tea have on the human body?

What Makes Green Tea Healthy

There are several properties that aid in green tea's overall health label. Green tea is actually loaded with anti-oxidants. One of the more powerful anti-oxidants found in green tea is known as EGCG, (also known as epigallocatechin gallate,) which has been proven to prevent the growth of cancer cells. EGCG has also been shown to kill those same cancer cells without the harmful side effects commonly associated with other types of cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy.

Most teas (green tea included,) contain about half the amount of caffeine as a cup of freshly brewed coffee. For individuals who are looking to reduce their caffeine intake, green tea can help.

In addition to this, coffee is known to stain teeth an unsightly shade of yellow. Drinking green tea each morning instead of coffee can actually help reduce the buildup of plaque in the mouth. Some of the properties in green tea help fight bacteria that is known to cause plaque buildup and tooth decay; both of which are associated with enamel wear which can lead to stained teeth. Overall, drinking tea in the morning can still help you get your day started.

What are the Benefits of Drinking Green Tea?

Aside from the benefits mentioned above, green tea also has a variety of other known health benefits. Drinking green tea on a regular basis has been shown to lower “bad” cholesterol (LDL cholesterol.)

Green tea also benefits the heart, promoting a healthier heart and preventing heart disease all at once. This can also aid in living a longer, healthier life.

In recent studies in the past ten years, green tea is also being shown to benefit dieters. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition released an article in November of 1999 that stated that dieters who drank green tea extract with caffeine burned more calories than dieters who were only taking a placebo or caffeine.

Of course, these are only a few of the benefits commonly associated with green tea. Drinking a single cup of green tea may benefit you greatly, especially if you've never previously drank tea. So consider making the switch from sugary energy drinks to green tea.

Informational Sources:
The Miracle of Green Tea –

Green Tea Fat Burner