Posts Tagged ‘antioxidant power’

Green Tea Extract And Weight Loss

October 5, 2009

Some of the Benefits of Green Tea Extract

One of the great advancements in nutrition in the 20st century is the scientific affirmation of the several benefits of green tea extract.

The following would be simply a couple of the Advantages that Green Tea Extract offers:

Lowers cholesterol
Slows arthritis
Fights the Growth of Cancer Cells
Weight Control

What accounts for the health benefits of green tea extract? Over 1,800 scientific studies have found that the active constituents inside green tea are its powerful antioxidants. Those are called polyphenols (catechins) and flavonols. Epigallocatechin gallate (you can just call it EGCG) would be the most powerful of those antioxidants. Milligram for milligram, EGCG has got 25 to 100 times the antioxidant power of the vitamins C and also E. A cup of green tea has got more antioxidants than a service of broccoli, spinach, carrots or even strawberries.

These plentiful antioxidants power the benefits of green tea extract. They keep DNA intact and they stabilize the tissue layers of cells. Those effects of green tea make it a strong support in many health conditions. Let's have a look at the benefits of green tea supplements in further detail.

Green tea has been demonstrated to lower “bad” LDL cholesterol and also serum triglyceride levels.

skin cleanser with witch hazel and rose water and green tea  by MeaCulpaBodyandBath

Who'd have thought that simple green tea could be as potent as Lipitor, Zocor or Crestin without any of their harmful side effects? Scientific Research studies demonstrate that middle-aged men as well as women in Japan that drank two or more cups of green tea per day almost always have normal cholesterol. Scientists have in addition recently reported that if you drink green tea after you eat a fatty food, less cholesterol would go into your bloodstream.

And also if you have high cholesterol when you start consuming green tea supplements, your body will convert less of it into a form that blocks the arteries.

Green tea protects the joints against osteoarthritis.

That would be one of the least known but most advantageous effects of green tea extract. Green tea prevents inflammation. Whenever there is less inflammation, there is less wear and tear on your joints.

Green tea prevents the growth of cancer cells.

The EGCG in green tea prevents cancer cells from growing by binding to a specific enzyme. That health advantages of green tea is particularly important in cancers of the prostate, breast, and lung.

Scientists studied two groupings of men who had pre-cancerous condition of the prostate. One consumed the equivalent of 12 – 15 cups of green tea a day. One didn't. One year after, 30% of the men who didn't consume green tea supplements got prostate cancer. Only 3% of the men who consumed green tea supplements got cancer.

Another of the benefits of green tea extract would be support for ladies who have breast cancer. Green tea offers chemicals that bind estrogen. This hormone is not then free to stimulate breast cancer cells.

Ladies that consume the greatest quantity of green tea before menopause experience the least serious forms of breast cancer when the disease happens. Females who consume green tea would be less probable to have recurrences of breast cancer after treatment. And most remarkable of all, women that consume green tea would be fifty percent less probable to develop breast cancer at all.

One other advantage of green tea extract will be protection against lung cancer. The Japanese have both the highest rate of smoking and the lowest rate of lung cancer in the developed world. Japanese tobacco users that drink a lot of green tea appear to be protected against lung cancer.

Not to mention that green tea may even help you to lose weight. In a clinical trial, males eating a high-fat diet were given enough green tea in order to provide the caffeine in a single cup of coffee. Although that amount of caffeine has no effect on losing weight, if the caffeine comes from green tea, it's highly significant.

The green tea supplement boosted the number of calories burned by 4.5%. While that is just 135 calories a day, the study proved that taking green supplements should assist the typical male on a high-fat diet drop 18 lbs (8 kg) in one years time. It could aid the typical woman on a high-fat diet to lose 11 pounds (5 kg). This is without consuming less or exercising more.

How Should I Take Green Tea?

The benefits of green tea extract will be the greatest if you consume green tea supplements instead of drinking green tea. A report in the December 2004 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition substantiated that green supplements produce more antioxidants within your blood stream than drinking green tea. Two capsules of green tea extract a day can supply all the advantages of 20 cups of green tea.

Green tea is extremely safe and effective. Consume 1 – 3 capsules of green extract each day. It's better to take green tea supplements in the A.M. or early afternoon rather than at night.
This would be to prevent stomach irritation or restless sleep.

I hope this explained the benefits of taking green tea extract for you, like you can see this is really a miracle remedy for several health disparities.
When you wish to feel better, lose weight as well as prevent many health problems then you ought to give green tea extract a try.
When you feel great and look better you'll be happy you did!

Green Tea Extract And Weight Loss